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发布于:2019-07-01 23:52来源:佳文 作者:佳文 点击:

面对即将开启的留学生活, 有同学经常问: Kaye, 到国外该怎么跟教授发邮件沟通?


其实哪有什么模版和速成诀窍啊, You are what you read. 讲真的, "扛打的"表达能力都是研习优秀语料和坚持积累养成的。No shortcut, period.


翻译学有“信达雅”三重原则, 作为二语习得者, 我们的语言能力进阶之路也有三重:准确表达无歧义-具备母语使用者表达习惯-自然表达且让人印象深刻。


好消息是, 这个时代优秀的语言文字触手可及, 而信件算得上是其中用词考究且逻辑严谨的媒介之一, 所以我会定期选一些“私房好料”, 和大家一起来探讨表达之道, 话不多说, 咱们一起来言而有“信”吧!



Previously on Billions…


公关危机: public relation crisis

人设崩塌: personal image collapse 

             reputation ruined


Mr.Rhodes 处于竞选纽约司法部长关键时期,竞争对手以曝光其个人隐私威胁其放弃竞选。


四面楚歌之际, 他是选择“无可奉告” no comment, 还是声称 claim “捏造事实” false accusation? 吃瓜群众们 folks, 请搬出你的小板凳 We'll see about that. 




1. “A lie," the wise man, Winston Churchill, purportedly said,  “gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” 




purportedly: 据报道, 副词修饰以示准确。

e.g. That lady's being verbally insulted by a mob. 



如果换成physically insulted, 指的是“动手动脚...";下一个镜头就该是男主角标准开场白: 光天化日之下,竟敢调戏良家妇女!


get one’s pants on: 意为真相大白,水落石出

shit/piss one’s pants: 吓尿了

get into one’s pants: 骗人滚床单

e.g. Making money in New York City is as easy as getting laid at the prom. 

get laid: 滚床单

prom: 美国高中毕业舞会





Kaye: 在每个人都可以是一个自媒体的时代,谨言慎行未必能自保,,辩证思维属于基本防御工事,听风就是雨那只能是待割韭菜。




It is our hope that what has transpired can serve as an example for all of us to realize the enormous responsibility we have to ourselves and to each other regarding the use of our written words when we etch them in digital stone.





2. But, I have a feeling that this truth will find its way quick enough. And it’s high time for truth, too. For openness. For unburdening. 



get..off my chest: 坦白,表白,说心里话..


openness: 中文表达里词性特征并不突出, 但英文中注意词性是对语法最基本的尊重。

e.g. I appreciate simplistic designs.


e.g. I favor MUJI for its simplism. 






3. I'm not here, as most politicians might be, to ask you to trust me. No. Instead, I am asking if I may trust you with my deepest fear, which is that you might know me, who I really am. 


和很多政客不一样, 今天我来不是让你们信任我. 相反, 我是想看看我能否信任你们, 让你们了解我内心最深的恐惧, 了解我的为人。


As most politicians might be, 插入语是表达者在表述过程中即兴想起或想补充的内容, 体现严谨。


e.g. I’m writing to ask, if I’m allowed to, about the status of the application I submitted last month. 

我写信是为询问, 当然如果我被允许的话(体现谦逊礼貌), 关于我上月提交申请的状态.。



4. The job of the prosecutor is to expose that, which is hidden away, the evil, the dirty, the crooked and the untruthful. To shine light and reveal what’s under all that darkness. And I have come to realize that in order to do it right, I must first shine that light on my own dark parts. Which is why I have asked you all here today. 


检察官职责是曝光隐藏的黑暗,卑劣,不正当和谬误种种.知行合一, 我今天也给大家交个底。


Kaye: 把自己难以启齿“黑料”转成获得大家信任的leverage 筹码. 成功甩锅, 这是高手...


The+adj: 表示一类人或事物

e.g. Philanthropy is a common cause to help the unfortunate.  




5. I’m just going to say it. I, in my private life, in the confines of my happy marriage, with my consenting wife, practice sadomasochism. Bondage, dominance, all the rest. Masks. Binds. Ropes. Fire. Even just saying it like that I can feel my shoulders loosen for the first time in decades. I am a masochist. In order to achieve sexual gratification, I need to be tied up, punched, pinched, whipped, kicked or otherwise tortured, by my loving wife.


据有关部门规定, 具体操作细节不便翻译。





consent: n&v.同意

consenting: adj.自愿协同的

consensual&Non-consensual: Sex&Rap

sadomasochism, 俗称"SM"


practice: 践行..理念,实施..措施,行使..权


Kaye: 准确用词是优秀表达基本姿势, 例如都是表达"发起", 但最适合的用词并不一样。

e.g. wage a war 发起战争, launch a campaign 发起活动






川普对非法移民采取family separation政策


6. Here’s the bigger truth. All of us need something, right? You know, I don’t know what you do in your bedroom, with your loved one, but I do know this: you’re probably a little embarrassed about it. You probably don’t want the rest of us looking at you while you do it—unless that’s your thing and if so, great. But wouldn’t we be better off if we didn’t let shame win. If we didn’t feel sheepish, didn’t feel like we had to hide what moves us?


其实每个人都有隐密, 也或多或少有“窥探”欲, 但我们不能因为羞愧而否定自我, 因为那也是我们真实的一部分, 我就是我, 很不一样的烟火!


shameful: adj. 难为情的,丢脸的

shame on you: 你真不害臊




权游Cersei王后赎罪游行atonement walk


7. Chuck, are you still gonna run

run: v.竞选,run for presidency: 竞选总统

running campaign: 竞选活动

e.g. Running a company means more than managing a group of people, but keeping it growing and prospering. 



8. There are those who believe that I have just ended my legal and political careers. They don’t think you can handle what I just told you. In fact, political opponents of mine were plotting to use it against me. I said “bring it.”







plot: n.情节, v.密谋设计… 

conspire: v.共谋, conspirator: 同伙

conspiracy:阴谋,conspiracy theory:阴谋论

e.g. They are conspiring a coup against the sitting president.

他们正密谋政变, 推翻现任总统。



9. And that’s why I told you I was here to trust you. Because I know that you can handle it. That you may laugh a little. But that at the end of the day, you’ll get it, because you want the truth. 


就像我说的一样,我是来信任你们的,因为我相信你们能扛事. 也许你们会笑一笑,但你们会懂我的,因为我知道你们想要事实。


Kaye: 在演讲最后呼应开头-I was here to trust you,形成完整的篇章逻辑结构.。写作中我们往往会纠结某些词或词组的"高端用法",但其实句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,段落和段落之间的逻辑关系,整篇文章的逻辑架构,才是衡量一篇优秀更重要的标准。





10. At worst, maybe it won’t stop you from getting to the polls to support me. At best, maybe on the way you tell someone who you really are. Maybe they like it. 





11. And maybe you feel just a little more comfortable in your own skin. As I finally do in mine. Thank you. 


可能在坐的每一位当下都挺自适的, 而我现在也能如此了, 比心哦!





Kaye: 解决危机是公关当事人的基本使命,Mr.Rhodes巧妙地转移话题战场,转换主被动信任关系,不解释,不掩饰,于是吃瓜群众被真诚地洗脑了。



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